Is This What a Breakdown Feels Like?

Is this what a breakdown feels like? This is what I kept asking myself towards the end of 2023. I’m well aware that life has this crazy way of throwing a flurry of challenges our way, but let me tell you, nothing could’ve prepared me for the gut-wrenching events that happened in my life the last few months of 2023. It was like a tidal wave of emotions, years of keeping everything locked up and a series of traumatic experiences all crashing down on me at once. Honestly, I felt like I was on the edge of a complete mental, emotional, and physical breakdown. But you know what? I wasn’t about to let myself go there. So, with grit and determination, I decided to face the mess of grief and trauma head-on.

Facing The Demons and Healing

How does one go about facing your demons and healing from a breakdown? For me, my next step included internet research, Audible books, and lots of YouTube videos. I quickly realized that if I truly wanted to heal those deep-rooted wounds within me, I couldn’t just tiptoe around the pain. Nope, I had to face it head-on. I had to embrace the discomfort, willingly sit with my emotions, and get to the root of their origins. As I put the events of my life together, I began to understand that I was not getting out of this darkness alone.

Breakdown Ahead: Professional Help Required

The lightning bolt Aha moment – I needed professional help to guide me through the overwhelming emotions and trauma that resurfaced within me, leading me to this near-breakdown moment. But here’s the thing: I was dead set against getting into years of traditional talk therapy. With my history of brain damage, I knew deep down that I needed a different approach, something more tailored to my unique needs.

Living With Brain Damage: My Life Life Experience

In case you are new to my blog and don’t know, I was poisoned by carbon monoxide while asleep in a hotel.  This video was a raw moment when I broke down and shared what it has been like living with the brain damage caused by the poisoning and hypoxia.

Amen Clinics

That’s when I reached out to Amen Clinics in Dallas, Texas. Their philosophy really struck a chord with me – they believe that healing the whole body starts by assessing the brain. Exactly! Feeling determined to find a solution and avoid a breakdown, I took a leap of faith and reached out to Amen Clinics in early December 2023.

Amen Clinics is all about a comprehensive approach to healing. They use advanced brain assessments and other tests to uncover the secrets behind restoring balance and overall well-being. I knew that understanding the inner workings of my brain was absolutely essential. Think about it: if a specific part of my brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders, no amount of talk therapy or sheer willpower could truly heal or improve my situation.

Fear and Hope

I’ll admit that embarking on this journey was a mix of fear and hope. The truth about my brain’s condition was waiting for me, and I was ready to face it head-on. I wanted a path to healing and recovery. It was that crucial first step to give myself the grace and compassion that I so desperately needed.

So, my friend, this is just the beginning of my journey. In the next part, I’ll dive deeper into the assessment, discoveries, and healing processes. I’ll also share some valuable insights on finding grace and self-compassion amid grief and trauma.

Always Remember

Always remember, when life throws its worst at you, as it will, there’s always a way forward. And sometimes, the answers we seek are hidden deep within our being, waiting to be uncovered. Stay tuned!

Image of a four parts of the brain
This is my very colorful brain. I'll share more about what this brain scan revealed in upcoming posts.
a woman sitting on the floor with her hand on her face looking sad

Am I Having a Breakdown?

Is this what a breakdown feels like? This is what I kept asking myself towards the end of 2023. I’m well aware that life has this crazy way of throwing a flurry of challenges our way, but let me tell you, nothing could’ve prepared me for the gut-wrenching events that happened in my life the last few months of 2023.

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Lit candle with coloring books and other items to convey relaxation

Your National Relaxation Day

Today is National Relaxation Day – a whole day dedicated to inner peace and calm, and that’s my kind of day. Can you think of anything more wonderful than dedicating an entire day to giving ourselves the care and relaxation we deserve?

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A woman's arm with Never Give Up tattoo

Never Give Up

Never give up is a phrase you’ve undoubtedly heard many times, especially when your goals, whether related to your career, personal life, fitness, or learning new skills, seem too difficult or unattainable.

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